John of Gaunt Infant School
Hungate Street, Aylsham NR11 6JZ
Tel: 01263 732844

John Bear’s Nursery
Norwich Road, Aylsham, NR11 6JG
Tel: 01263 734028

Year 2 visit to Aylsham Parish Church

The Year 2 enquiry question for this half term is – ‘What makes some places special to religious believers?’

To help us answer that question we visited Aylsham church today where we were greeted by Reverend Julie.  She spoke to us about the church and its importance to Christians.  In our groups we then carried out different activities:

Activity 1 – Look around the church looking for special features, artefacts and symbols.

Activity 2 – Making stained glass windows

Activity 3 – Rubbings around the church

Some of the children were then lucky enough to dress up in the different colours of the chasubles.  Reverend Julie explained the meaning of the different colours and when they are worn during the year.

White is used for Christmas, Epiphany, Sundays of Easter, Holy Trinity, and Christ the King.

For Advent and Lent, purple is used.

Pentecost is red

For ‘normal’ time green is used.

Year 1 – Sheringham Park

The Year 1’s had an amazing trip to Sheringham Park on Friday 7th July.  We enjoyed bug hunting, Greenman clay making, pond dipping, den building and natural craft activities. We learnt so much and found so many insects and pond life including a toad! We enjoyed visiting the Park that Humphry Repton designed and we had learned about last term.  Special thanks to all our parent helpers and Rob and his team of the Sheringham Park National Trust for making our day so special

Year 2 to Sheringham Park

On Monday 3rd July the Year 2’s descended on Sheringham Park for a packed day of activities hosted by the lovely staff and volunteers of the National Trust. We did some pond dipping (finding tadpoles, baby newts and water tigers to name just a few), created art out of both clay and natural woodland resources, went on a wild bug hunt and even built animal shelters! The children all had a great time and went home tired but happy! 

       Bure Valley Primary School        Aylsham High School