High attendance is essential for a child to reach their full potential.
We work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all children.
It is very important that your child arrives at school by 8:50 am. In order to maintain safety for all pupils, the side gates are locked at 9:00 am. Please use the main gate after this time.
If, for any reason, your child is late/absent, a message or letter must be given to the school office before 9:00 am explaining the reason for the absence/lateness. If a child has not arrived by the end of registration at 9:30 am, the school office will call home to enquire the reason for the absence.
Children should be collected at 3:10 pm. If your normal collection arrangements fail, please telephone before the end of school to let us know.
It is vital that you keep us informed
of any changes of address or telephone numbers.
Holidays during term time
Absence from school can only be authorised when your child is ill and medical and dental appointments should be arranged out of school hours.
We are very keen that pupils attend school regularly and punctually.
There is, however, a discretionary power to allow leave of absence in exceptional circumstances during term time. This not an entitlement and purely at the discretion of the school.
The school will consider any application for leave of absence and will only agree to authorise the absence in exceptional circumstances; parents/carers must apply in advance for permission for their child to have leave of absence, and children who miss school for other reasons, will be marked with an unauthorised absence.
Please be aware that taking unauthorised holidays during term time may result in a fixed penalty notice.
Please remember that, like you, the school wants the very best for your child.
If you have any concerns, however trivial, please come and talk to us as soon as possible.