We have an excellent partnership with Bure Valley School and ensure that there are lots of opportunities for John of Gaunt children to work collaboratively with pupils from Bure Valley School.
The vast majority of our pupils transfer to Bure Valley School at the beginning of the autumn term following their 7th birthday at the end of Key Stage One.
During the summer term in Year 2, pupils spend three transition days at Bure Valley School to meet their Year 3 teachers and to familiarise themselves with their new classrooms and school. On the final day parents/carers are also invited to meet the teachers and see their child's new classroom. An information evening for parents/carers is held in the Summer Term.
Bure Valley year 3 teachers visit the children at John of Gaunt and teach the children in order to get to know them in their own environment.
Our Year 2 teachers meet with Year 3 Bure Valley School teachers to discuss each child so that next steps in learning are anticipated and each pupil gets off to the best possible start.
For children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), our class teachers and SENDCo will discuss each child's specific needs and the nature and level of support they require.
Carol Flatters, Parent Support Advisor for the Aylsham Cluster, can provide additional targeted support for individual pupils (if required).
For pupils not transferring to Bure Valley School we offer the same level of support to ensure that all pupils transfer as smoothly as possible to their new school.